Since Luca Paciolo wrote his 27 page treatise, or even earlier during ancient times, not much has changed from bookkeeping fundaments. Change in accounting is like change in religion or religious institutions, it comes the hard way, takes time, and even when it happens doesn’t change much, because usually it is an arbitrary rule that comes as a response to an industry issue. During the late subprime crisis, or banking […]
Ekonomi / Sociale / Teknologji
Një histori moderne
Inovacioni ka qene motor i madh i rritjes ekonomike gjate gjithe kesaj kohe. Te pakten deri ne momentin qe kriza financiare dhe me pas ekonomike zuri boten poshte. Edhe perpara krizes ka patur ndonje qe tek tuk thoshte se inovacioni shkencor, pra teknologjia, nuk duket gjekundi kur behet fjale per rritjen ekonomike. Ndersa tani qe ekonomia boterore eshe ne recesion dhe ne rastin me te mire ne stanjacion, shume kryqezojne […]